Risale English | Risale-i Nur Collection
  • Man did not come to this world in order to live in fine manner and pass his life in ease and pleasure. Rather, possessing vast capital, he came here to work and do trade for an eternal, everlasting life

    Risale-i Nur Collection

  • Alas! We have been deceived. We supposed the life of this world to be constant, and so have lost everything. Yes, this passing life is but a sleep; it passes like a dream. This frail life flies like the wind, and departs.

    Risale-i Nur Collection

  • As time passes, the Qur’an doesn’t get old; as a matter of fact, the Qur’an gets even younger

    Risale-i Nur Collection

  • This world is a guesthouse. Man will stay here for a short time and he is a guest with a lot of duties; in his short life, he is obliged to obtain the materials necessary for the eternal lif

    Risale-i Nur Collection

  • Oh man! You do not own yourself. Rather, you are totally owned by One whose power is infinite, an All-Compassionate One of Glory whose mercy is infinite. Therefore, do not trouble yourself by shouldering the burden of your life. For it is He who grants

    Risale-i Nur Collection

  • In a brief life, it is not reasonable to destroy eternal, everlasting life and eternal happiness for a little bit of pleasure. (The Letters)

    Risale-i Nur Collection

  • Time has shown that Paradise is not cheap, and neither is Hell unnecessary

    Risale-i Nur Collection

  • It is as easy for the Lord of Glory to create a spring as it is to create a flower

    Risale-i Nur Collection

  • O my soul! Know that yesterday has left you, and as for tomorrow, you have nothing to prove that it will be yours. In which case, know that your true life is the present day.

    Risale-i Nur Collection

  • Everything was determined by qadar (destiny). If you feel content with what you have, you will live easily.

    Risale-i Nur Collection

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: His Ideas

It is well known that all thinkers have their own systems of reflection, their particular objectives with their thoughts and their ideals, which they hold dear to their hearts. And usually there are lengthy forewords written to discuss their systems of reflection, their aim and ideals. However, Bediuzzaman’s system of reflection, his aims and ideals do not need a lengthy introduction. They can be summarised in one sentence: “To proclaim the divinity and unity of the Creator of the universe.” It was the sole mission of all divinely revealed scriptures and all prophets and to provide proofs of this great duty with scholarly, logical and philosophical arguments. — So does this mean that Ustad also deals with logic, philosophy and modern sciences? — Yes, if logic and philosophy are reconciled with the Qur’an and serve to uphold the truth, then Ustad can be considered the greatest logician and philosopher. The best arguments he employed in defence of his sacred cause were from the modern sciences, which every passing day proclaim more powerfully that the Qur’an is the revealed word of Allah. In any event, in so far as ‘philosophy’ has the meaning of ‘wisdom’, every work written to prove the attributes of the Exalted and Sacred Necessarily Existent One (wajib’ul wujud) is the greatest wisdom and their authors are the greatest sages. Thus, it is precisely because Ustad has followed such a scholarly path, and that he adhered to the luminous path of the Qur’an, that he was honoured with saving the faith of thousands of university students.   Source: Ali Ulvi Kurucu, Preface of “Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: The Authorised Biography”

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